Routine Charts
Free Printable Routine Charts
Kids need routines and structure. Knowing what they are going to do every day gives them a sense of security. Kids are constantly being bombarded by a barrage of challenges, from learning to be more independent to mastering various skills that are required as they grow and become more independent.
When a child’s routine is stable and predictable, it makes it easier to handle changes and challenges that life presents. Consistent routines prevent meltdowns and help create order. Things go more smoothly when you and your child know what to expect.
6 Ways Routines Help Kids
Life is Easier
Routine and structure will make your child’s life easier and provide the tools needed to cope. Tidying their rooms will ensure that they find their belongings when they need them. Doing their homework will ensure that they never fall behind with their schoolwork and suddenly find themselves unable to keep up with the class which is both stressful and bad for their self-esteem.
Less Nagging
When kids are in a routine, they brush their teeth, take a shower, or get into bed without you having to constantly nag. You might need to let them know that it is time to stop playing and start their evening routine, particularly if they are too engrossed in their game even to notice the time. Evening routine becomes a habit, and you don’t need to nag every stage of the process.
Promotes Independence
Kids learn how to perform basic tasks such as making their bed, packing their school bags, putting their dirty clothes in the wash. This will enable them to become independent human beings and take care of their own basic needs. Later on in life, when they step out of the secure home that you have provided for them, they will not suddenly have to learn necessary skills that should come naturally to young adults.
Healthy Habits
- Going to sleep at a reasonable time every day will ensure that kids get the rest that they desperately need to grow and develop.
- Brushing their teeth twice a day ensures great dental health.
- Showering every day.
- Washing hands after a visit to the bathroom.
These are all healthy habits that children need to learn and adopt.
More Quality Family Time
When all family members do part of the family chores (such as putting dirty clothes in the wash and tidying rooms), then less of the burden falls on the parents. As their time frees up, they can spend more quality time with the kids. They are also in a better mood to do so. When you are constantly nagging your kids or resenting the fact that they don’t do anything to contribute to the family, you tend to spend less quality time with them and don’t enjoy being with them as much as you could.
Family Traditions
Many daily routines include some family time, such as eating a meal as a family, or one-on-one time, such as reading a bedtime story. Routines are not only related to such daily chores but also how families spend free time, holidays, or celebrate events such as birthdays. These family routines convey a message to your children about what is important to your family and the values that you emphasize. This helps develop a sense of belonging in families and strengthens relationships between family members.