Kids Morning Routine Chart

Visual Morning Routine Chart

morning routine chart

We also offer a morning routine printable chart for toddlers and other young kids who can’t read. There are pictures for each chore. Each day that your child does each of the tasks for that morning you stick a sticker on that day.

This is a morning routine chart for toddlers and older kids who cannot read yet. Since all text can be edited it can also be used for your evening routine or as a chore chart.

Click on the image above to open the morning routine maker. You can change the tasks. You can add your own photo to each task. Please ensure that the photos are taken in landscape format (horizontal).

Since all text is editable you can create any kids’ daily routine chart with this template. It can be an evening routine or even a daily school schedule. Simple edit the text and add any related photo or image.

Reward charts to get kids ready for school

Add a morning checklist for kids to each of the following charts. Some already have one and others have space to add one.

Morning Routine Charts

Reward Chart for two-week period to help kids get ready for school. The list of morning tasks is blank enabling you to add your own list.

Morning Routine Chart

One Week Reward Chart to encourage kids to get ready for school

Free chore chart for kids

Free printable morning routine chart for kids for one week to get ready for school

reward chart for children

Daily routine chart for two weeks to get ready for school in the mornings

Free reward chart

Morning routine charts for a two week period with a short morning routine checklist for kids (make bed, get dressed, eat breakfast and brush teeth)

Toddler Routine Chart

Get kids ready in the morningA toddler morning routine chart helps toddlers get ready for daycare in the morning. We have reward charts for a period of one week and others for a period of two weeks. Some of the reward charts include a chore list / set list of tasks while others have a place for you to fill in your own list. There is also a reward chart for small kids that cannot read. This sticker chart includes a picture for each task so that the young child can remember and understand what to do.

day care
Routine chart to get ready for daycare

Reward chart similar to the chart above but the list of tasks is left blank so that you can fill out your own list of morning tasks. You can either fill in the list after you print or customize it online before you print.

Customize and Print

chart for toddlers
This reward chart is for kids who cannot read. It includes pictures describing their morning tasks.

Sticker Chart for Kindergarten

get ready for kindergarten
Reward chart to help young kids get ready for day care or preschool in the mornings with list of tasks to do in the morning (make bed, get dressed, eat breakfast and brush teeth)

Getting kids ready in the morning can be quite challenging, to put it mildly. When kids sense that you are in a hurry they seem to start moving in slow motion. You need to get them to school or daycare on time but there are many things that need to be done before then such as eating breakfast, getting dressed, brushing teeth, making beds, and doing whatever you have to do in the morning. These kids’ morning routine chart printables will help you encourage them to get everything done as quickly as possible.

After a while getting ready in the morning becomes a habit and you won’t even need reward charts to make it happen!

We offer a selection of free morning routine chart printables to help get kids get ready for school in the morning. We have routine charts for a one-week period and charts for a two-week period. You can complete the chore list or list of things to do in the morning. If the template you selected does not have a list of tasks to complete then you can add your own list.

How to Use Routine Charts

Before you start, decide on the list of things that you would like them to do in the morning. Discuss your expectations with your child. Write the chore list on your reward chart. Decide ahead of time what the reward will be if there will be a reward. It can be a small toy, a visit to their favorite park, an outing to the zoo, or anything that you decide on together. Some children are happy to receive stickers and don’t even ask for a reward. You can decide that your child needs to receive a certain number of stickers to get the reward. If she doesn’t get enough stickers you can make the reward smaller or give a partial reward. For e.g. in order to get your full allowance, you need 10 stickers. If you get 60% of the stickers you get 60% of the allowance. There are many ways to decide on a reward system. Find one that works for you and your kids.

10 Tips to Get Kids Ready in the Morning Stress-Free

Getting kids ready in the morning without stress can be a challenge, but with a bit of planning and some effective strategies, it can be much smoother. Here are 10 tips to help streamline your morning routine and start the day off right:

  1. Preparation the Night Before: Encourage your kids to pick out their clothes, pack their backpacks, and set out any necessary items like sports equipment the night before. This reduces decision-making and scrambling in the morning.
  2. Consistent Wake-Up Time: Establish a consistent wake-up time for every day of the week. This helps regulate your child’s body clock, making it easier for them to wake up naturally.
  3. Create a Morning Routine Chart: Make a chart that lists all morning tasks (e.g., brush teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast). See the free template above. This visual aid helps kids know what’s expected and can serve as a checklist.
  4. Use Incentives: Offer small incentives for when they complete their morning routine on time. This could be as simple as extra playtime in the evening or choosing what’s for dinner.
  5. Keep Breakfast Simple: Have easy, healthy options available that don’t require much time to prepare, like yogurt, fruit, and granola or toast with various toppings.
  6. Limit Screen Time: Avoid turning on the TV or other electronic devices in the morning. These can be major distractions and can slow down the getting-ready process.
  7. Get Up Before Your Kids: If possible, wake up at least 15-30 minutes before your children. This gives you some uninterrupted time to get ready and approach the morning with calmness.
  8. Practice Positive Reinforcement: Give praise for each part of the routine they complete independently. Positive reinforcement can encourage good behavior and compliance.
  9. Allow for Extra Time: Pad your schedule with extra time to accommodate last-minute tasks or delays. A little buffer can reduce the rush and stress often felt in the morning.
  10. Stay Calm: Your mood sets the tone for the household. Keeping your cool can help your children stay more relaxed and cooperative.

Implementing these tips can make morning routines less stressful and more efficient, allowing both you and your kids to start the day positively.


  1. i need to now can i get a chart with stuff to help one of my family mebers to get redy for school im in 4th grade

  2. Any of the charts can be used for the 4th grade but if you want something specific you can let me know via this form and I will try to make it. We also have a personal reward chart maker. You could put use photos of your child getting ready and take a photo of each stage.

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