Classroom Behavior Chart
In a classroom setting, there needs to be rules and regulations. The children need structure and they cannot be allowed to do whatever they want. There are rules in life that need to be followed and the best place to learn these rules is in a classroom setting. Positive discipline will help the teacher gain control of their classroom and they will help students learn the rules.
On this page, we provide 8 behavior charts for teachers for individual students or for an entire class.
Classroom Behavior Chart for 10 Students per Page
This is a weekly classroom behavior chart for 10 students per page. It works with a point system and each student gets between 1 and 5 points each day. You then calculate the total number of points per student each week. There is a point key at the bottom of the page but if you select the Word version you can edit it.
School Behavior Chart for one Student
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This is a weekly school behavior chart for one student. It records a number of points (from 1 to 5) for each class period for each day of the week.
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This is similar to the chart on the left but it has space for a parent’s signature.
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This is an individual class behavior chart for specific behaviors each day (list them in the first column).
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This is similar to the chart on the left but it has space for a parent’s signature.
These class behavior charts track specific behaviors each day and enable you to give each behavior 1-5 points each day. If you use the behavior log for a while, you can check how many points the student got each day or week to see if there is an improvement in behavior over time.
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TALID Behavior Chart
Positive Discipline in the Classroom
To begin a positive discipline plan a teacher needs to set clear expectations from the students and go over the classroom rules.
When the students follow the rules, the teacher needs to praise them and reinforce these behaviors. Positive discipline will help keep the classroom a positive environment and allow the students to have the best place to learn. Positive discipline will reinforce the good and desired behaviors. The teachers will help the students learn how to act while keeping the classroom positive.
There are some positive discipline techniques that the teacher can use in the classroom to help promote proper behavior and allow the students to see the importance of following the rules.
The teacher should focus on developing a positive relationship with the students. They need to think about the students’ feelings and ask for feedback on things. They should talk about any ideas and even mistakes openly and without an issue. The teacher will use respectful communication when dealing with students and parents.
The teacher needs to go over the rules and behavioral expectations as soon as school starts. The teacher needs to be clear about how they expect the students to act. They should review the rules often and allow students to become familiar with them. At the same time, the teacher needs to have consistent expectations for all students. They cannot make exceptions for students and everyone needs to be treated fairly.
When students are following the rules the teacher needs to give reinforcement. This can be verbal reinforcement or the teacher can have some type of scheduled reward system in place to make sure the rules are followed. Praise for students can go a long way. Teachers need to model the behaviors they expect from students and need to be role models at all times.
To keep track of behaviors, teachers can use a behavior chart in the classroom. This will allow students to know the reinforcement schedule and they will get rewards based on their behavior. The teacher can look at the behavioral needs and which behavior they want to modify. This can be one to three behaviors at a time. The teacher will use positive language to help meet these goals. For example, instead of telling a student not to yell, they can tell the student to use a quiet voice indoors.
Many teachers use a TALID chart but these charts can be modified based on any school-wide positive behavior support plans or the age of the student. The language can be simplified. Most of these behavior charts follow on the ability to comply, safe behavior, and following the directions in the classroom. When the student reaches a certain level or point value they will receive a reward.
The type of classroom that a teacher has will help determine the type of behavior chart they will use. If the teacher has a paraprofessional or a small group they can successfully use individual behavior charts for their students. In a larger classroom setting, this will be more difficult to implement. If an individual student has a positive behavior support plan in their IEP then an individual chart is needed. The teacher can also use a class-wide behavior plan. The teacher can begin with something like when 80 percent of the class earned recess, they can get the reward. To get this plan to be accepted, the teacher can use a lot of verbal praise. They can say the name of the student that is doing well and give them positive attention. Other students will want this attention. Even when the students often misbehave when they are even doing the smallest thing well the teacher should give them verbal praise.
To get the most effective outcome from the school behavior charts, the teacher can use a classwide behavior chart to promote positive behavior and reward the entire class.
Positive Behavior Chart Ideas
We offer 10 different class behavior charts above.
- Some positive behavior chart ideas can be used in the classroom.
- The Talid system is popular and can be modified based on the needs and the age of the student.
- Children can learn to become bucket fillers. A mason jar can be used and cotton balls can be put into the jar. When the teacher catches a student doing something positive such as following the rules or helping out another student they can put a cotton ball into the jar. When the jar is full the class will receive a reward. It can be something tangible such as an ice cream party. It can also be something such as extra recess or the class can watch a movie once the jar has been filled. This will help get the students in the habit of helping each other and following rules.
- Some punch cards can be used. Students are given an index card and they need to earn a predetermined amount of punches on it to get a reward. The teacher can allow several punches per less for completing work and following the rules. The teacher can go around and give the students that followed directions one to three punches per session based on their behavior. They can modify this and give the student stars. Once the card is filled up students will get their reward. The reward needs to be immediate.
There are many types of behavior charts that can be used in the classroom. The exact type of chart will be based on the behavior needs of the class and the age of the students. The teacher needs to find rewards that will motivate the students so they have value and the student will want to work for them.