Animal Reward Charts

Behavior ChartsAnimal Behavior Charts and Reward Charts

The following reward charts and behavior charts have different animals and come in different formats (10 steps and weekly sticker charts)

10 Step Sticker Charts

Star chart with a zebra and tiger Sticker chart with a rhino and tiger Reward Chart with a monkey and lion Incentive chart with a monkey and tiger Behavior chart with a hippo and giraffe Incentive chart Printable behavior chart Free printable sticker chart

Weekly Sticker Charts

From Sunday to Saturday

Free printable behavior chart with a picture of a giraffe and colored circles

From Monday to Sunday

reward chart from monday to sunday with a purple border

The weekly charts above can be used as chore charts as well. Write the chore list on the lines to the left and mark each circle once the chores are complete.


  1. Any horse reward chart?

  2. No, but you can add a picture of a horse to any of the charts before you print. Click on “Add Image” and upload any photo of a horse.

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