Age Appropriate Chores

age appropriate choresThis list of age appropriate chores will give you an idea which chores your child should be capable of doing. We are not suggesting that they do all chores on the list but rather that you select from this age-appropriate chore list. You can also find a specific chore list for kids for each age.

age appropriate chores


Suggested Age Appropriate Chore List for Kids

You can find a  list of chores for kids by age. We also offer free printable chore charts for kids for each specific age.

Ages 2, 3 & 4

  • Put toys away
  • Clean spills
  • Put books away
  • Water plants
  • Get dressed
  • Get undressed before bath time
  • Dust
  • Brush teeth (an adult must still brush their teeth before / after the child has)


Ages 5, 6 & 7

  • All the above chores
  • Make bed
  • Help load dishwasher
  • Bring in mail
  • Feed pet
  • Tidy bedroom
  • Put dirty clothes in laundry basket
  • Help rake leaves
  • Help put away groceries
  • Help set table


Ages 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12

  • All the above chores
  • Personal hygiene
  • Help sweep / vacuum
  • Help make meals
  • Pack away after meals
  • Load / empty dishwasher
  • Fold laundry
  • Keep clean
  • Brush teeth
  • Rake leaves
  • Walk pet
  • Put away groceries
  • Prepare breakfast
  • Help prepare dinner
  • Set table
  • Take the garbage out



  • All the above chores
  • Wash car (this can be a “paid chore”)
  • Do laundry
  • Clean the house


Chores for 13 year olds

Decide on the chores that you would like your kids to receive and add them to your kid’s chore chart. If your child can not yet read then use a picture to describe what the chore is. For example, a picture of a bed can be used if you would like your kids to make his/her bed in the morning. You can find free picture chore chart templates.

Print Friendly Chore List

List with age appropriate chores

Chores for Kids

Chores for Kids by Age

We offer specific tips and chore charts for each age.

Which chores should your child have?

The list provided above is only there to give you an idea of the chores that your child should be capable of doing. We are not suggesting that a child should do all of the chores on the list each day.

We do suggest a rotation system whereby different chores are performed to enable your child to acquire different skills. Rotating chores also keeps it interesting.

How many chores should your child have?

The number of chores depends on a variety of things, such as the age of the child, how much time they have available, your family’s situation and how long your child takes to complete a chore. But usually, a good number for kids would be one or two chores per day. Letting them choose which ones gives them more responsibility and helps build their self-esteem.

Kids should be doing at least one chore. It is important for a child to learn responsibility and to do something productive. Chores can take on many forms but the important thing is that the child does something that will help them feel like they are contributing to the family.

Flexibility is important when you decide on the number of chores a child is required to complete each day. When kids are stressed and busy such as at the end of the school year when they have a lot of exams you can cut down their chores to help them.  During summer vacation when they are home all day they will have time to do more chores.



  1. Great list!

  2. Wow! What does Mom do? And most importantly, when do they get to be just kids?

  3. Candis, this is a list of all chores that children should be capable of doing. They are not supposed to do all of the chores on the list. Parents can decide how many minutes their child should spend on chores per day / week and allocate chores accordingly. The rest of the time they get to be just kids.

  4. Moms are not maids.

  5. Sue White says:

    My six year old grandson is asking for a chore list which is why I am on this website. Kids desire learning to be responsible. And I totally agree with admins response. Thank you!!!

  6. Totally appropriate! Love it, thanks for the guide. My son is 4 and always says he’s “a good helper”. He wants to do things, it makes him feel good and responsible.

  7. OpenmindedBB says:

    Wow, brushing teeth is a chore?! That is no different than showering or washing your hands.

  8. Brushing teeth can be a task for some children. Every child is different, some may do less, some may want to do more. Brushing teeth is for sure a chore in my house !!!!!!!

  9. Alicia Marron HArp says:

    is great but jovenes = adultos some responsablilidades. Keep House clean with out pay. went you have job. I have autist child.

  10. Is there a printable friendly version of this “age-appropriate chores” chart?

  11. April, we don’t have one but will start working on one. It should be up soon.

  12. Have you finished the printable version of this?

  13. Yes, it has been uploaded to the site. Sorry about the delay.

  14. Yes, it has been uploaded to the site. Sorry about the delay.

  15. The print version is wonderful! Thanks for the work you did. I will share this with other moms. I am a grandmother. my youngest is 13. I hear young moms talk about being a child, but I have to say that doing chores made my children better people. They didn’t loose their childhood. They gained hearts that love to serve others in their communities and beyond. They learned to be a part of a family. From the time they were young, they wanted to help. We didn’t ignore their desire to feel like big people. That didn’t stop them from being children, either. Besides teaching a child to help others and have a good work ethic, chores can be the bridge between childhood and adulthood. I didn’t know how to cook or clean when I got married, because my sweet mother though that was only her job. She meant well, as do other moms who think that chores will take away a child’s childhood. Looking at my own adult children and teens, I have to say that chore training and jobs around the house help a child gain more from his sweet childhood. They had time to be playful as well as to learn how to do a job well. Most of all, I feel that they gained hearts for service1

  16. Sharon,
    Thanks for sharing!
    I think that your comment will help those parents who are not convinced about the advantages of giving children chores.

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